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Автори: | Бакун, Оксана Валеріанівна Закутній, Тарас Олександрович |
Дата публікації: | 2015 |
Видавництво: | Ужгородський національний університет |
Короткий огляд (реферат): | Introduction. Hypogalactia is a condition of decreased secretory activity of mammary glands in lactational period. Primary and secondary hypogalactias are distinguished. Primary one is conditioned by anatomical and functional peculiarities of mammary glands as well as by mother’s severe diseases associated with extragenital pathology. Secondary hypogalactia is mostly a temporarycondition. A special group of women can be distinguished according to the development of primary hypogalactia - these are the women who underwentCesarean section. Early hypogalactia is singled out as to the time of its occurrence. It appears during first 10 days after labor. Late hypogalactia occurs 10 days after. The aim of this work was to study special features of clinical course of postnatal period and investigate the effect of “Shirafza” phytomedicationon lactation in women in childbirth with a decreased lactational function. Material and methods of the study. 60 women in childbirth have been examined and were divided into 2 groups: I main group - 30 women with a decreased lactational function. II - control group - 30 women in childbirth with a preserved lactational function. Lactational function in women was evaluated on the fourth-fifth day of postnatal period on the basis of clinical examinations of the woman in childbirth, day amount of milk that is produced, food supplements of mixtures to the infant’s feeding and indices of weightloss and its restoration during first four-five days after birth. Normal lactation was regarded a condition without food supplements, when maximum weight loss was no more than 6%, restoration of initial weight no less than 95% during early neonatal period. Results of the study and discussion. At the age examination it was determined that the majority of women in childbirth were from 19 to 30: in the main group - 25 (83,3%), in the control - 21 (70%). Average age of women in labor didn’t differ for a fact (25,8±4,2 and 25,1±4,1 of a year correspondingly). A high frequency of somatic pathology has been found out: in the main group - in 22 (73,3%), in the control - in 12 (40%) of women. Gynecological diseases in the anamnesis are regarded a factor of risk for disorders in the reproductive system which causes hormonal disturbances, failure of childbearing function with further complications of postnatal period and also affects formation and duration of lactation. There were gynecological diseases in the anamnesis in 23 (76,6%) women in the main group and 11 (36,6%)- in the control. At the same time menstrual function disorders were really more often in the main group - 21 (70%) women, in control group - in 4 (13,3%). The most serious intranatal factors for disorders of lactational function after labor were anomalies of labor activity and blood loss over 500 ml that were registered in both groups with almost similar frequency. Both in the main and control groups there weren’t found out any authentic significant perinatal factors among full-term neonates that woundinfluence the formation of lactation in postnatal period.The formation of lactation during first 5 days after labor is influenced by the woman’s somatic health condition, her obstetrical-gynecologist status, obstetrical complications which were registered more frequently in women from the main group that’s why we have suggested recovery of lactational function in this group of patients by means of “Shirafza” phytomedication, that is a natural method of high quality based on vegetable raw material which due to complex effect on the woman’s organism stimulates all stages of lactation, prevents problems of overweight in feedings mothers and rise of glucose level in blood.Shirafza effect is conditioned by herbs in its composition. The preparation was taken by women from the main group because theycomplained mostly of insufficient milk production. The preparation wastaken from the 4-th day of postnatal period by 1 capsule three times a day. 25 womenin labor (83,3%)were marked down to increase the volume of milk on the 5-6th day of the intakes as well as to improve milk quality which manifested itself in the absence of dry “swaddling clothes” syndrome, the baby was actively sucking mother’s breast, the woman in childbirth felt the rush of milk, the infant didn’t cryof began to gain weight actively. Conclusions. 1. Women in childbirth show a high frequency of complications in postnatal period (73,3%), that is significantly higher than the analogous index in the control group (40%). 2. Usage of “Shirafza” preparation contributes to the improvement of lactational function in women in childbirth already on the 5-th day of postnatal period. |
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): | http://dspace.bsmu.edu.ua:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/9614 |
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