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Назва: Modeling of Smart Bio-Medical Active Polymeric Hydrogel Transdermal Materials
Автори: Lebedeva, K.O.
Cherkashina, A.M.
Masikevych, Y.G.
Masikevych, A.Y.
Voronkin, A.A.
Lebedev, V.V.
Ключові слова: smart material
3D printing technology
sodium alginate
humic acid
Дата публікації: 2024
Видавництво: Journal of Engineering Sciences (Ukraine)
Короткий огляд (реферат): Abstract. In this article, effective 3D printing modeling technology of smart bio-medical polymeric hydrogel transdermal materials based on gelatin and sodium alginate, modified by humic acids, was researched. Such smart biologically active polymeric hydrogel materials showed interesting applicability in tissue engineering fields due to their intrinsic biological compatibility, adaptability, and capacity to replicate the extracellular matrix environment. A literature review was carried out and proved that 3D printing modeling technology is a perspective for the functional effect on the smart bio-medical polymer hydrogel transdermal properties. Smart biomedical polymeric transdermal hydrogel patches were produced using a micromolding technique. A stereolithography (SLA) 3D printer was used to print the master mold. The three-stage technology of lignite humic acids modification of smart biologically active polymeric hydrogel transdermal microneedles patches based on gelatin, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, and sodium alginate was designed. It was shown that modification of gelatin-sodium alginate and hydroxypropyl methylcellulose-sodium alginate biopolymer hydrogels by humic acids makes it possible to obtain smart biologically active polymeric hydrogel transdermal materials with an increased swelling degree and ability to improve the skin moisture-lipid balance (from the initial moisture 34–36 % and fatness 8–10, they increase to 58–66 % and 52–60 %). Finally, the developed 3D printing modeling technology of smart bio-medical polymeric hydrogel transdermal materials hydrogel based on gelatin sodium alginate, modified by humic acids, is a transdermal material with required properties.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://dspace.bsmu.edu.ua:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/25756
Розташовується у зібраннях:Статті. Кафедра фізіології ім. Я.Д. Кіршенблата

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