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Title: Peculiarities of ionoregulatory renal function disorder in case of diabetes mellitus
Особенности нарушений ионорегулирующей функции почек при сахарном диабете
Authors: Boychuk, T.M.
Olenovych, O.A.
Gozhenko, A.I.
Keywords: diabetes mellitus
diabetic nephropathy
ionoregulatory renal function
tubular sodium transport
сахарный диабет
диабетическая нефропатия
ионорегулирующая функция почек
канальцевый транспорт натрия
цукровий діабет
діабетична нефропатія
іонорегулююча функція нирок
канальцевий транспорт натрію
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Pharmacologyonline. – 2016. – Vol.3. – Р.1-5.
Abstract: With the aim to study the condition of tubular mechanisms of sodium transport in case of diabetes mellitus and to evaluate their role in the development of diabetic nephropathy, ionoregulatory renal function was researched in patients with diabetes mellitus type 1. It was established, that glomerular hyperfiltration, attributive to the initial stages of diabetic nephropathy, is followed by the enhancement of filtration sodium load to the nephron and by the development of natriuresis, since the augmentation of sodium excretion by proximal tubules is associated with the disturbance of glomerulo-tubular balance and with the impairment of tubulo-tubular connection under the relative dysfunction of distal segment of the nephron. Under the condition of osmotic diuresis, caused by hyperglycemia and glucosuria, the impairment of distal transport of tubular fluid and sodium results in the inhibition of tubulo-glomerular feedback and promotes the progression of renal dysfunctions in case of diabetes mellitus.
Appears in Collections:Статті. Кафедра клінічної імунології, алергології та ендокринології

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