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dc.contributor.authorSydorchuk, A.S.-
dc.contributor.authorMoskaliuk, V.D.-
dc.contributor.authorRandiuk, Yu.O.-
dc.contributor.authorSydorchuk, L.I.-
dc.contributor.authorAmakye, Deborah-
dc.contributor.authorEkta, Rani-
dc.description.abstractThe research paper deals with the comparison of seroprevalence rate of toxoplasmosis in Ukraine, India and Ghana. It determined that Ukrainian women of reproductive age contaminated with T.gondii. That fact confirmed by the 81,3 % seroprevalence rate with the predomination women living in the rural regions – 87,3±0,58 % comparatively with 71,4±1,11 % urban inhabitants. The rate of seropositive women does not differ substantially in age groups ranging from 16 to 39 years. Comparatively, toxoplasmosis in India has low incidence due to few important epidemiological risk factors: practically absence of cats like reservoir of parasite, and mostly vegetarian nutrition style. In some tropical areas where cats are abundant and the warm and humid climate favors survival of T.gondii oocysts, the seroprevalence toxoplasmosis is higher than in developed countries: in Ghana, the seroprevalence reached 90% among pregnant women.ru_RU
dc.publisherThe Advanced Science Journalru_RU
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVolume 2015, issue 1;c. 25-28-
dc.subjectreproductive ageru_RU
dc.subjectrisk factorsru_RU
dc.subjectpregnant womenru_RU
dc.titleObservational study of Toxoplasmosis distribution: comparison of seroprevalence rate in Ukraine, India and Ghanaru_RU
Располагается в коллекциях:Статті

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