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Title: Description of the inflammatory bowel disease natural history in Tehran province, Iran: Mixed panel approaches
Authors: Olfatifar, M.
Asadzadeh Aghdaei, H.
Pourhoseingholi, M.A.
Balaii, H.
Hashemi Nazari, S.
Shahrokh, S.H.
Sabour, S.
Ivanchuk, Maria
Ivanchuk, Pavlo
Khodakarim, S.
Zali, M.R.
Rohani, P.
Mehralian, G.
Keywords: Inflammatory bowel disease
Multi-state model
Panel data
Crohn's disease
Ulcerative colitis
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: Gastroenterology and Hepatology From Bed to Bench (щоквартальний міждисциплінарний медичний журнал)
Abstract: Aim: Description of the inflammatory bowel disease natural history in Tehran province. Conclusion: Panel approaches have the potential efficacy to tackle the unpredictable clinical course of IBD (UC/CD). Hence, we highly recommend that our findings be included into the Iranian routine clinical environment of IBD and/or that related studies be conducted in Iran and other regions to gain a better understanding of the natural history of IBD.
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