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Title: Improve your professional English for «KROK 1. Dentistry» (2006-2022)
Other Titles: Удосконалюємо англійську мову професійного спрямування за тестовими завданнями «КРОК 1. Стоматологія» (2006-2022)
Authors: Oliinyk, I.Yu.
Tymofiichuk, I.R.
Kmet, O.H.
Humenna, A.V.
Filipets, N.D.
Bevzo, V.V.
Kovpak, A.V.
Voloshyn, V.L.
Penteleichuk, N.P.
Malyk, Yu.Yu.
Tovkach, Yu.V.
Stegnitska, L.V.
Komar, T.V.
Semenenko, S.B.
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Буковинський державний медичний університет
Citation: Improve your professional English for «KROK 1. Dentistry» (2006-2022): study guide (electronic edition). 3rd ed. revis. and suppl. / ed. by I.Yu. Oliinyk, LV. Stegnitska. Chernivtsi: BSMU, 2023. 429 p.
Abstract: The study guide aims to improve professional English and theoretical knowledge in nine fundamental medical and biological disciplines included in the structure of USQE, Stage 1 "Krok 1 and professional English language exam". This publication is designed to provide training for students in the specialty "Dentistry" and consists of 3300 tests selected by the compilers, which may enhance the self- improvement and self-training of students during the 1-3 years of study. The suggested collection of tests can also serve as supplemented material for the teachers to organize their classroom activities where acquired knowledge is consolidated through a system of purposeful tasks.
Description: e-Study Guide (електронне видання навчального посібника). III edition (III видання). Approved and recommended for publication by the Academic Council of Bukovinian State Medical University as an electronic edition of the study guide for students of the 1st-3rd years of study at the Faculty of Dentistry. (Protocol № 11 dated 23 of March 2023).
Appears in Collections:Навчальні посібники

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