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dc.contributor.authorTrifonyuk, L.-
dc.contributor.authorStrashkevich, A.-
dc.contributor.authorKozlov, S.-
dc.contributor.authorDavidenko, I.-
dc.contributor.authorPoliansky, I.-
dc.contributor.authorPavlyukovich, N.-
dc.contributor.authorPavlyukovich, A.-
dc.contributor.authorTomka, Yu.-
dc.contributor.authorFesiv, I.V.-
dc.contributor.authorUshenko, Yu.A.-
dc.contributor.authorTalakh, M.-
dc.contributor.authorGorodenskiy, P.A.-
dc.contributor.authorGantyuk, V.K.-
dc.identifier.otherDOI: 10.1117/12.2616835-
dc.description.abstractAbstract. The article presents the results of a study of the possibilities of 3D Stokes-polarimetric mapping of microscopic images of protein fluorofors of the prostate. Polarization-holographic measurement and analysis of layer-by-layer maps and histograms of the distribution of the polarization ellipticity of microscopic images of biological preparations of the prostate. Determination of the relationship between statistical moments of the 1st - 4th orders, which characterize layer-by-layer maps of distributions of the polarization ellipticity of microscopic images of biological preparations of the prostate and pathological conditions of the prostate. Determination of the operational characteristics (sensitivity, specificity, accuracy) of the diagnostic strength of the 3D layer-by-layer Stokes polarimetric mapping method.uk_UA
dc.publisherFifteenth Int. Conf. on Correlation Optics: proc. of SPIE Vol. 12126 (13-16 Sept 2021, Chernivtsi, Ukraine)-
dc.subjectstatistical momentsuk_UA
dc.titleDigital microscopic mapping of laser induced polarization ellipticity maps in differential diagnostics of preparations of benign and malignant prostate tumoursuk_UA
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