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dc.contributor.authorGutsul, O.V.-
dc.contributor.authorSlobodyan, V.Z.-
dc.coverage.temporal21 червня 2023 р.uk
dc.identifier.otherУДК 577.342:53.08:621.372.41-
dc.description.abstractAbstract. The physical processes occurring at the resonance of different solenoids with an aluminium disc of different diameters or two discs with varying distances between them are considered. The optimal inductances and resonant frequencies for experimental studies are selected. The frequency dependencies of the quality factor Q(f), active resistance R(f), and insertion loss d(f) for two solenoids with one aluminium disc of fixed radius in the middle are considered. The dependence of the insertion loss d of the solenoid on the distance r between two identical discs located in the middle of the solenoid is also considered.uk_UA
dc.publisherБуковинський державний медичний університетuk_UA
dc.subjectoscillating circuituk_UA
dc.subjectaluminium discuk_UA
dc.subjecteddy currentuk_UA
dc.subjectquality factoruk_UA
dc.subjectskin effectuk_UA
dc.titleInvestigation of the interaction of eddy currents in aluminium discs using different solenoidsuk_UA
dc.citation.conferenceIII науково-практична інтернет-конференція «Розвиток природничих наук як основа новітніх досягнень у медицині»uk
Располагается в коллекциях:СЕКЦІЯ 1. Новітні досягнення у біомедицині як наслідок розвитку природничих наук

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