: [45]
Головна сторінка зібрання
Перегляд статистики
Матеріали зібрання (Сортування за Дати збереження у за спаданням порядку): 21 до 40 з 45
Дата випуску | Назва | Автор(и) |
2021 | Труднощі засвоєння біномінальних назв лікарських рослин студентами фармацевтичного факультету | Бицко, Н.І. |
2021 | Нетрадиційні методи фізичного виховання як засіб зміцнення здоров'я студентської молоді | Андрієць, М.М. |
2021 | The formation of infectology terms with the component of temperature and color | Zazulia, I.V. |
2021 | Formation of motivation for physical education the culture of students at school | Yerokhova, A.A. |
2021 | Speaking activities for postgraduate English learners | Voytkevich, N.I. |
2021 | Prophylaxis and prevention of suicide behavior | Tymofiieva, M.P. |
2021 | Online education as an effective form of Ukrainian as a foreign language learning at medical HEI | Tsurkan, M.V. |
2021 | Lexical parameters of professional-oriented teaching [ESL] as the key approach to the language of pharmacy conceptual sphere research | Tomashevska, A.Yu. |
2021 | History of pandemic occurrence and outbreaks: from the black death to COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) | Teslenko, M.O. |
2021 | Types of health saving technologies in the system of physical education of student youth | Sluhens’ka, R.V. |
2021 | Peculiarities of concluding test tasks in the subject “History of Ukraine and Ukrainian culture” for foreign students | Skrytska, N.V. |
2021 | Suffixation as the main means of creating secondary nominations in medical discourse | Shutak, L.B. |
2021 | Terminology of infectious diseases as a part of general medical terminological system | Shalajeva, A.V. |
2021 | Names with religious semantics in French toponymy | Rak, O.M. |
2021 | Methods of prevention and overcoming stress with the help of proactive coping resources among students in higher educational establishments | Pavliuk, O.O. |
2021 | Strengthening the health of students during independent physical education | Palichuk, Y. |
2021 | The genre’s diversity of S. Vorobkevych poetry works | Nykyforuk, T.M. |
2021 | Secondary names in medical discourse: causes | Navchuk, H.V. |
2021 | Overview of the infectious diseases language | Matiichuk, K.D. |
2021 | The challengers of the scientific disciplinary structure | Manchul, B.V. |
Матеріали зібрання (Сортування за Дати збереження у за спаданням порядку): 21 до 40 з 45