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Матеріали зібрання (Сортування за Дати збереження у за спаданням порядку): 21 до 40 з 45
Дата випускуНазваАвтор(и)
2021Труднощі засвоєння біномінальних назв лікарських рослин студентами фармацевтичного факультетуБицко, Н.І.
2021Нетрадиційні методи фізичного виховання як засіб зміцнення здоров'я студентської молодіАндрієць, М.М.
2021The formation of infectology terms with the component of temperature and colorZazulia, I.V.
2021Formation of motivation for physical education the culture of students at schoolYerokhova, A.A.
2021Speaking activities for postgraduate English learnersVoytkevich, N.I.
2021Prophylaxis and prevention of suicide behaviorTymofiieva, M.P.
2021Online education as an effective form of Ukrainian as a foreign language learning at medical HEITsurkan, M.V.
2021Lexical parameters of professional-oriented teaching [ESL] as the key approach to the language of pharmacy conceptual sphere researchTomashevska, A.Yu.
2021History of pandemic occurrence and outbreaks: from the black death to COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2)Teslenko, M.O.
2021Types of health saving technologies in the system of physical education of student youthSluhens’ka, R.V.
2021Peculiarities of concluding test tasks in the subject “History of Ukraine and Ukrainian culture” for foreign studentsSkrytska, N.V.
2021Suffixation as the main means of creating secondary nominations in medical discourseShutak, L.B.
2021Terminology of infectious diseases as a part of general medical terminological systemShalajeva, A.V.
2021Names with religious semantics in French toponymyRak, O.M.
2021Methods of prevention and overcoming stress with the help of proactive coping resources among students in higher educational establishmentsPavliuk, O.O.
2021Strengthening the health of students during independent physical educationPalichuk, Y.
2021The genre’s diversity of S. Vorobkevych poetry worksNykyforuk, T.M.
2021Secondary names in medical discourse: causesNavchuk, H.V.
2021Overview of the infectious diseases languageMatiichuk, K.D.
2021The challengers of the scientific disciplinary structureManchul, B.V.
Матеріали зібрання (Сортування за Дати збереження у за спаданням порядку): 21 до 40 з 45