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dc.contributor.authorUshenko, V.O.en
dc.contributor.authorVanchuliak, O.en
dc.contributor.authorSakhnovskiy, M.Yu.en
dc.contributor.authorDubolazov, O.V.en
dc.contributor.authorGrygoryshyn, P.M.en
dc.contributor.authorSoltys, I.V.en
dc.contributor.authorOlar, O.V.en
dc.contributor.authorAntoniv, A.A.en
dc.description.abstractMethods of optical diagnostics of biological tissues (BT) include three directions - spectral, polarization and correlation-interference. Polarization-interference correlation metrology is generalized for biomedical applications in.This study presents the possibilities of diagnostics of benign and malignant changes in prostate tissue based on the determination of the coordinate distributions of the magnitude of the complex degree of mutual anisotropy (CDMA).uk_UA
dc.publisher«Laser polarimetry of biological tissues and fluids. Methods of spatial-frequency, singular and correlation analysis of biological layers object fields». LAMBERT Academic Publishing.– 2018. – С. 175-182uk_UA
dc.subjectPolarization-interference mappinguk_UA
dc.titlePolarization-interference mapping of biological fluids polycrystalline films in differentiation of weak changes of optical anisotropyuk_UA
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