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dc.contributor.authorKmet, T.I.
dc.contributor.authorFilipets, N.D.
dc.contributor.authorHrachova, T.I.
dc.contributor.authorBulyk, T.S.
dc.contributor.authorKushnir, O.V.
dc.description.abstractThe experiments conducted on non-linear mature laboratory albino rats determined that under conditions of subacute cadmium-nitrate intoxication the indices of proteinuria and acid-regulating renal function depend on acetylation phenotype. Unlike rapid acetylators considerable increase of protein concentration in urine (192,8 %, р<0,05) and standardized by glomerular filtration protein excretion (141,7 %, р<0,05) are indicative of higher susceptibility of rats with slow acetylation type to nephrotoxic action of cadmium chloride and sodium nitrate. Lack of protein loss with urine and adaptive-compensative character of acid-regulating renal function changes directed to elimination of hydrogen ions excess from the body give evidence concerning less intensive damage of the nephron tubular portion in rats with rapid acetylation type, and at the same time do not exclude development of nephropathy. In order to confirm the significance of acetylation phenotype for assessment of susceptibility and degree of cadmium-nitrate damage of the kidneys the condition of other renal functions should be examined with analysis of biochemical criteria of nephrotoxicity, which is of an important practical value for the selection of appropriate pharmacotherapy.ru_RU
dc.publisherGeorgian Medical Newsru_RU
dc.subjectcadmium-nitrate intoxicationru_RU
dc.subjectmature ratsru_RU
dc.subjectslow and rapid acetylation typeru_RU
dc.subjectacid-regulating functionru_RU
dc.subjectкадмиево-нитратная интоксикацияru_RU
dc.subjectполовозрелые крысыru_RU
dc.subjectмедленный и быстрый тип ацетилированияru_RU
dc.subjectкислоторегулирующая функцияru_RU
dc.titleСhanges of proteinuria and acid-regulating kidney function of mature rats with slow and rapid acetylation type under conditions of subacute cadmium-nitrate intoxicationru_RU
Appears in Collections:Статті. Кафедра гігієни та екології

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