Browsing by Author Garazdiuk, O.

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Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Comparative analysis of laser polarimetry methods of polycrystalline films of cerebrospinal fluid for post-mortem interval estimationGarazdiuk, M.; Bachynskiy, V.T.; Vanchuliak, O.; Garazdiuk, O.; Sarkisova, Y.
2018Complex degree of mutual polarization of a large-scale component of polycrystalline cerebrospinal fluid films for time since death estimationVanchuliak, O.; Bachynskyi, V.T.; Garazdiuk, M.; Pavliukovych, O.; Garazdiuk, O.
2017Diagnosing pathological conditions using laser polarimetry methods in forensic medical practiceBaсhynskyi, V.T.; Vanchuliak, O.; Zozulia, V,; Sarkisova, Y.; Garazdiuk, M.; Garazdiuk, O.
2021Differentiation of formation of hemorrhages of traumatic genesis, cerebral infarction of ischemic and hemorrhagic genesis by azimuthally invariant Muller­ matrix images of optical activity of histological sections of the brainGarazdiuk, M.; Bachynskyi, V.; Garazdiuk, O.; Pavliukovych, N.
2016Main achievements and new directions of forensic science in light of Congress Forensic Medicine 2030Baсhynskyi, V.T.; Trubner, K.; Vanchuliak, O.; Garazdiuk, M.; Garazdiuk, O.
2017Monotherapy with angiotensis-converting enzyme inhibitors and combined antihypertensive therapy in patients with diabetic nephropathy: retrospective studyGarazdiuk, O.; Garazdiuk, М.; Vanchuliak, O.
2016Post mortem interval estimation: features of сerebrospinaI fluid films autofluoresсent laser polarimetryBaсhynskyi, V.T.; Garazdiuk, M.; Vanсhuliak, O.; Bezhenar, I.; Garazdiuk, O.
2018Post-mortem interval estimation by changes in the optical density of the cerebrospinal fluid with the time after death increasingGarazdiuk, M.; Bachynskyi, V.T.; Zozulia, V.; Vanchuliak, O.; Garazdiuk, O.
2018The influence of ethanol on the accuracy of time since death estimation by the method of laser polarimetry of cerebrospinal fluid polycrystalline filmsGarazdiuk, M.; Bachynskyi, V.T.; Vanchuliak, O.; Garazdiuk, O.
2018The studying of the possible influence of alcohol on posthumous changes in the polycrystalline structure of the cerebrospinal fluid filmsGarazdiuk, M.; Bachynskyi, V.T.; Vanchuliak, O.; Pavliukovych, O.; Garazdiuk, O.
2017Time since death estimation by the method of laser polarimetry of polycrystalline cerebro-spinal fluid films imagesGarazdiuk, M.; Garazdiuk, O.; Vanchuliak, O.; Sarkisova, Yu.
2017Time since death estimation by two-dimensional mapping of polarizating inhomogeneous images of cerebro-spinal fluid polycrystalline filmsGarazdiuk, M.; Bachynskyi, V.T.; Vanchuliak, O.; Garazdiuk, O.; Savka, I.